Install ClockworkMod Recovery on the Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet


Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet

If you have a Lenovo ThinkPad tablet you have been waiting for some time to get root access which is finally available here. Along with that Justin Case and utkanos have been able to get ClockworkMod Recovery to work as well without any bugs we can see. Please take note that to get ClockworkMod Recovery on working on the ThinkPad you will need an external SD card.

Instructions to Flash ClockworkMod Recovery to the Lenovo ThinkPad:
Requires Root Access (Instructions to Root the ThinkPad)
Place ClockworkMod Recovery .img on SD card (Download Link)
Go to your ADB folder via Command Prompt
Type “adb push cwr_ventana_2.img /data/local/” press Enter
Type “adb shell” press Enter
Type “su” press Enter
Type “mount -o rw,remount /system” press Enter
Type “echo “#!/system/bin/sh” > /system/etc/” press Enter
Type “dd if=/data/local/cwr_ventana_2.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1” press Enter
You now have ClockWorkMod Recovery on your Lenovo ThinkPad!

If you have any issues please feel free to drop us a line as well as giving any input you have on the process.


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